Friday, October 26, 2012

My Sweet Kinders

I don't post about my job on here very often but I am tonight. 
I teach Kindergarten. I have 19 students that are 5/6 years old. They are amazing!
We are Teaming Up Against Drugs! I was missing a few today.

They crave learning new things. They soak it ALL up like a sponge. I can teach some in depth topics and I am so impressed at how much they remember!
They can tell you every little part of a penny, nickel, and dime. The color, how much it's worth, who is on the heads side, what is on the tails side, everything. 
Back in September, we celebrated Freedom Week and they learned all about The Constitution and they wanted to make one for our classroom. So we did! 
These angels make every day worth it.

I could go on and on {but I won't}. I just wanted to put it out there that these kids ROCK! 

And so do the teachers I work with! We are quite the team!
Today was Team Up Against Drugs so we were sporting our favorite team gear! 

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