Friday, July 27, 2012

At This Moment

* As much as I love my job, I'm not at all ready to go back on Monday. Being home with Parker is amazing and I'm blessed to have holidays and summers off.

* The Olympics are my favorite.

* I have been working on feeding Parker a lot of real food and it's safe to say that he is not a big fan just yet. 

* I'm looking forward to introducing Parker to his new sitter and could use some prayers for when I have to leave him. He will love her but it's going to take him some time to adjust back to not having me all day every day. 

* I have moments when my heart absolutely breaks at the thought of dropping him off. And when I do leave him, well, you Mommy's that work know how I feel. 

Can you tell I have a bit of depression about going back? 


  1. Chin up, Buttercup! It'll be ok! Once Parker is older, he will understand and be thankful that you make money to spoil him with!

  2. It is hard to leave your child. However, you have been with him longer then I was able to be with my child at home. I only was able to be home 5 weeks before having to put her in daycare and return to work. Things will get better. It will get easier :)


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