Friday, December 2, 2011

Back To Work . . .

and hating EVERY second that I'm away from this sweet boy.
Other than missing him, my first week back wasn't all too bad. I did miss the people I work with and my students, of course! Coming back after 7 weeks off was pretty much like the first week of school again. We (students and I) were adjusting back to our routines. The kiddos have some more adjusting to do, they are quite rowdier than how I left them. We will get back to our normal, one step at a time. :-)
The plus side . . . 2 more weeks till Christmas Vacation!!!

Picture overload sponsored by Instagram


  1. it is hard at first to step away and head back to work after they are born. I cried and went to visit mine everyday on my lunch break. but it does get easier. And love your tree and all the cute photos of Parker. So adorable

  2. Your tree is so pretty! Of course it is overshadowed by the cuteness of your little love! :)


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